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Posts tagged ‘Be the best’


Teensie-Weensie Reminder (Day 7): Give yourself a chance…

Assalamu Alaikum.

[Again, sorry for the poor editing. It’s already late so I don’t have time to fix it.]

[Note: By now I’m pretty sure that everybody (and by this I mean the few of you who actively follow the blog) has figured out that my teensie-weensie reminders are not at all teensie-weensie. So why do still refer to them as such? Well:

1) It’s nasty changing the name mid-way through the series, isn’t it?

2) For me, they’re quite teensie-weensie because if given a chance, I could ramble on forever.

3) If I called them “Longie-Wongie Reminder”, then nobody would check.

So, I’m sticking with the name.]

Give myself a chance to do what, you ask?

Give yourself a chance to be great in the sight of Allah.

Okay, I can sense your confusion. Everyone wants to be great, right? Especially in the sight of Allah.

Therefore, everyone gives themselves a chance, right?

Nope and let me tell you why:

1) When you read the Quran and come across the stories of those whom had Allah has praised, do you yearn to be amongst them?

To the sisters, when you come across the following ayah (verse), what thought runs through your mind:

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